2012年8月12日 星期日

The Second Day of Internship

8/7 th is the second day of internship in Dallas. After meeting our new home family in Dallas, we started to proceed our new internship. First above all, we went to City Hall in Dallas. We walk to the City Hall. The city hall is very different. It is very different from the city hall in Houston. Not only the design but also the size are very different. The only common thing is the security. When you walked into the city hall, you had to be checked every personal belonging. Not only the camera but also the phone are needed to be switched off. That was really excited.

After checking, we got into the conference room. I saw lots of senators. They look very serious. Happily, we were given a warm welcome for the senators. We were so surprised. After that, we took lots of pictures there. Luckily, we met mayor, and he talked to us. We also reward "Citizenship in Dallas". I was very happy that I had this chance to meet the mayor and received the prize from him. That was our honor.

After visiting the City Hall, we went to visit The Sixth Floor Museum. That is a place which is exhibited the whole life of Kennedy. I learnt and understood many things of Kennedy. There are lots of things there. Not only the staffs which were used by Kennedy but also the videos were exhibited.

This day, I learnt many things which we could not learn from books. I was appreciate and I hope that I have another chance to be there.

2012年8月11日 星期六

The Sixth day of internship

8/11th is the last day of internship. We come back to Houston. We do have new homestay family. Her name is Aunt Grace and Her husband, Alex. They both are great people. They are very nice and very friendly. Their house is very beautiful. They took us to many different places and they took us to eat steak and to buy lots of foods.

After that day, we started to our last internship. We went to Taiwan Plastic Company(台塑關係企業). The company is very big and it is also bigger than our school. We saw lots of metal and factories. First above all, we visited the conference room. They showed the video of the functions and systems of this company. I understood the whole things about this company. 

After finishing lunch, the supervisor introduced the systems to us. I learnt a lot from him. After introducing, we took on the bus. We went to visited the factories one by one.  We went to the main system. We saw lots of electronic machines. After visiting those factories, we went back home. On the way, I saw the dirty ocean. I guessed that the only reason is the company. 

On the way home(僑教中心), I was sad because I was going to say goodbye to others. We took lots of pictures. Finally, I hope that I can have another chance to participate this program and meet everyone again.

2012年8月9日 星期四

The Fifth day of internship

August 9th is the fourth day of internship. We finished our two-day homestay in Dallas. It is very hard for us to say goodbye to Chakka (Homestay mother). We will miss her even though we are in Taiwan. Today, our internship is going to visit a university which is located in Dallas. That is a noble school. The school is huge, pretty, and well-system.

SMU (South Methodist University) is very different from UST (University of Saint Thomas). Not only the size but also the courses are very unique. They do have their own features. Although UST is smaller than SMU, UST have a comfortable atmosphere. People can easily be connected by this place. As for SMU, SMU is a historical, and a Christianity school. The equipment, furniture, and design look like living in a palace. Walking outside, you may feel that you are in heaven.

After introducing, the students of SMU took us to visit the building one by one. We visited their business school, library, and the student association center. We learned lots of history of SMU. After touring, the stuff introduced their courses to us. They do have ELS, English, and lots of various courses.

Finished touring and introducing the whole things, we went back to Houston. Now, we are going to start our new day.

2012年8月8日 星期三

The Fourth internship in Taxes

8/8日是我在達拉斯的第二天實習,我們花了五個小時前往達拉斯。在前往的途中,我們在Sam Houston 的休息站休息了一下,並且參觀了一下他的雕像以及了解它的歷史。在這旅程途中,我不禁想起了之前在聖湯瑪斯大學上課,以及與史漢傑教授、Marmar Garcia,張助教相處的日子。想起了Dr.Mundey的美國歷史,Dr. Claudia的移民與涵化,以及美國經濟。 這些課程讓我學習到許多新的知識,以及讓我重新認識美國。

時光飛逝,很快的,我們來到了達拉斯。一到達拉斯,就見到許多台灣商會的叔叔阿姨們,我們非常感謝他們協助我們這一切。他們每一個人都非常的好。大概過了二十分鐘,我們的寄宿家庭的父母親一一到來。我們見到了HOME MA,他是一位非常風趣及年輕的女性。我們聊得非常開心,他是一位電子工程師,有養兩隻小狗。他之前去過許多的地方讀書,他也去過中國的武漢及重慶讀語言學校。

晚餐過後,跟HOMA MA (CHAKKA)一起回家。一到家,簡直是到了一座皇宮,CHAKKA的房子超級漂亮。當我們一進到房子裡,Chakka就好像一隻脫韁的野馬,他開始放音樂並且隨著音樂跳舞,他完全不在乎我們是否在旁邊,盡情跳著他的舞。這讓我見識到美國人的熱情。

2012年8月7日 星期二

The Third Day of Internship

August 5th is the first internship in Taipei Economic and Cultural Office.We spent all day long over there. Although I was very tired, I was very excited. We met lots of different officers and staffs. They took us to visit the office. They introduced  the systems, equipment, and some offices to us. We quite understood the functions of the office.

After touring, we met the students who study in different places in Houston. We sat together and had dinner together. They shared their experiences with us. We talked about how to prepare TOFEL and GRE. They also taught us how to get into university in the USA and how to make friends, to be independence. We also learned lots of useful things and knowledge from them. The students there are very intelligent and well educated. I appreciated very much.

Finished discussing, we went to each different main offices. We visited three main offices, such as journalism office, cultural office, and business office. The first office is journalist office. We saw lots of divisions, and we also knew the way of journal editing, translating, and writing. The journalist office not only take charge of the news in Houston but Chinese.

After sharing each other’s experiences, we start to our first internship from the bottom to the top. First of all, we went to business office. Supervisor is a very nice person. He taught us lots of skills about business. He said that being a business, you must pretend you are a seller and sell your product to other. The most importantly, you have to be honest. Honest is the best policy. Also, you have to be humble and be happy. You have to introduce your product with smile that the customers will feel very comfortable. We learned lots of from the officer not only the communication skills and solving problems.

Next, we went to technology office. Professor Chou is a very intelligent, well educated, and smart woman. She also taught us a lot. She talked about the technology evolution in Taiwan and the USA. She taught us how to choose the graduate school and how to apply it. She even taught us “as a supervisor, you must well-prepared every time also prepare how to face every challenges.

Finished visiting the office and internship, I felt satisfied and fulfill. I also can experience the difficult in being a businessman.

2012年8月5日 星期日

Today was the first day doing the internship Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in Houston. I was very excited about that. This is my first time to do the internship here. I learned lots of things from the center and officials. I understood the functions and systems of the center. I also understood the importance of the center for Taiwanese.  Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Center is a place which Taiwanese can get together to achieve the same goals.

Officials took us to visit the center. I saw lots of different symbols of different cultures thing, such as the boat of Yami Tribe, Hakka cultures, and calligraphy. The center is combined with many unique staffs. At first time, I felt walking into a museum, a very different museum. 

After finishing tour, we were going to prepared our presentation. That was the toughest thing. We spent much time to prepare that and we tried very hard that day. The topic today was "Taiwan Culture". After preparing, I saw another two groups perform very well. They also tried their best to introduce Taiwan and I learned a lot from them. Luckily, our group got the prize of " The most creative team" at the last minutes. 

Finishing the presentation, we went to one of committee's house to have dinner. We went to take boat and had karaoke. We had a very great time staying there. One of aunt taught us how to dance. I was happy that I had this chance to be with those committee. I hope that I have another chance to meet with them.

2012年7月23日 星期一

Visiting Federal Reserve Bank 7/23

Picture with Jeff
This is my second week in Houston. This Saturday, we went to Mr. Coburn’s swimming pool party. We had lots of fun there. Mr and Mrs Coburn are very nice and their children as well. I talked with Mr. Coburn’s son, Jeff. We do have the same interests in education. I loved to talk to him and I shared my teaching experiences with him. I was very happy at Mr. Coburn’s party and I was looking forward to visiting their house once again.

In front of FED
Today is the beginning of the new lesson, America Economics and Trade. This is the new challenge for me. I have never learned America Economics before, so it could be difficult to learn it. I am still learning and I also learn in happiness. As for professor Balderas, he is a professional and interesting doctor. He taught us lots of useful knowledge and I learned a lot. I really appreciate.

After the lesson, we visited Federal Reserve Bank. We met lots of important officers there. I saw many elegant buildings. We also had lesson there. I learned a lot from the lectures. Today, we talked about Euro-Zone, Greece crisis, and the economics relationship between America and Europe. Also those are not my specialty, but I ‘d love to learn it. 

2012年7月18日 星期三

The First Class of America History 7/18

Yesterday, I went to City Hall, Toyota Center, and lots of different places. In City Hall, I saw lots of important persons, such as Mayor, and the officers in Visitor Bureau. We discuss lots of things, such as America economy, and America tourism. Finished discussing, we went to visit each floors in City Hall. I saw many important places. The most importantly, I got a certificate which can be used on applying my graduate school. I am very happy glad that I can have this chance to participate this program and have this opportunity to visit many officers and places. We also went to the public museum.

In public museum, I appreciated so many arts in it. The designing of this museum is very different form Taiwan's. It doesn't like a museum. I was so surprised what I saw. When you walked into this museum first time, you might think this is a palace. This is the real America style building. That is really impressive. After that, we went to Toyota Center. This is my first time seeing the real basketball court.

Today is my first class, America History in UST. Actually, I do not understand about the America History. So at the beginning, I cannot figure out whole the history and whole things. I tried to  do more note-taking so that I can realize the class easily. I also love the professor Lisa. She is really energetic, talkative, and smart doctor. She taught us lots of useful knowledge. During the class, Dr. Lisa tried to teach us as much as possible. I am so happy to learn lots of things from her.