2012年8月12日 星期日

The Second Day of Internship

8/7 th is the second day of internship in Dallas. After meeting our new home family in Dallas, we started to proceed our new internship. First above all, we went to City Hall in Dallas. We walk to the City Hall. The city hall is very different. It is very different from the city hall in Houston. Not only the design but also the size are very different. The only common thing is the security. When you walked into the city hall, you had to be checked every personal belonging. Not only the camera but also the phone are needed to be switched off. That was really excited.

After checking, we got into the conference room. I saw lots of senators. They look very serious. Happily, we were given a warm welcome for the senators. We were so surprised. After that, we took lots of pictures there. Luckily, we met mayor, and he talked to us. We also reward "Citizenship in Dallas". I was very happy that I had this chance to meet the mayor and received the prize from him. That was our honor.

After visiting the City Hall, we went to visit The Sixth Floor Museum. That is a place which is exhibited the whole life of Kennedy. I learnt and understood many things of Kennedy. There are lots of things there. Not only the staffs which were used by Kennedy but also the videos were exhibited.

This day, I learnt many things which we could not learn from books. I was appreciate and I hope that I have another chance to be there.

