2012年8月7日 星期二

The Third Day of Internship

August 5th is the first internship in Taipei Economic and Cultural Office.We spent all day long over there. Although I was very tired, I was very excited. We met lots of different officers and staffs. They took us to visit the office. They introduced  the systems, equipment, and some offices to us. We quite understood the functions of the office.

After touring, we met the students who study in different places in Houston. We sat together and had dinner together. They shared their experiences with us. We talked about how to prepare TOFEL and GRE. They also taught us how to get into university in the USA and how to make friends, to be independence. We also learned lots of useful things and knowledge from them. The students there are very intelligent and well educated. I appreciated very much.

Finished discussing, we went to each different main offices. We visited three main offices, such as journalism office, cultural office, and business office. The first office is journalist office. We saw lots of divisions, and we also knew the way of journal editing, translating, and writing. The journalist office not only take charge of the news in Houston but Chinese.

After sharing each other’s experiences, we start to our first internship from the bottom to the top. First of all, we went to business office. Supervisor is a very nice person. He taught us lots of skills about business. He said that being a business, you must pretend you are a seller and sell your product to other. The most importantly, you have to be honest. Honest is the best policy. Also, you have to be humble and be happy. You have to introduce your product with smile that the customers will feel very comfortable. We learned lots of from the officer not only the communication skills and solving problems.

Next, we went to technology office. Professor Chou is a very intelligent, well educated, and smart woman. She also taught us a lot. She talked about the technology evolution in Taiwan and the USA. She taught us how to choose the graduate school and how to apply it. She even taught us “as a supervisor, you must well-prepared every time also prepare how to face every challenges.

Finished visiting the office and internship, I felt satisfied and fulfill. I also can experience the difficult in being a businessman.

