2012年7月18日 星期三

The First Class of America History 7/18

Yesterday, I went to City Hall, Toyota Center, and lots of different places. In City Hall, I saw lots of important persons, such as Mayor, and the officers in Visitor Bureau. We discuss lots of things, such as America economy, and America tourism. Finished discussing, we went to visit each floors in City Hall. I saw many important places. The most importantly, I got a certificate which can be used on applying my graduate school. I am very happy glad that I can have this chance to participate this program and have this opportunity to visit many officers and places. We also went to the public museum.

In public museum, I appreciated so many arts in it. The designing of this museum is very different form Taiwan's. It doesn't like a museum. I was so surprised what I saw. When you walked into this museum first time, you might think this is a palace. This is the real America style building. That is really impressive. After that, we went to Toyota Center. This is my first time seeing the real basketball court.

Today is my first class, America History in UST. Actually, I do not understand about the America History. So at the beginning, I cannot figure out whole the history and whole things. I tried to  do more note-taking so that I can realize the class easily. I also love the professor Lisa. She is really energetic, talkative, and smart doctor. She taught us lots of useful knowledge. During the class, Dr. Lisa tried to teach us as much as possible. I am so happy to learn lots of things from her.

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